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The chef prepares an authentic cuisine where everything is homemade, with fresh, seasonal products and where local producers are given pride of place.

Anxious to reduce our ecological footprint and to make the most of the products; meats, fish and vegetables are processed in their entirety. Our green waste is composted for a return to the earth

Les fromages avec  Gaec du Bochon,  La ferme des Riondons, Gaec de la Fontaine, COOP de Beaufort, La ferme des combettes, Gaec des Arolles...

Les légumes avec Les Jardins du Praz, EARL Berthet, Croc  Local, Allemoz...

Les viandes avec Gaec de la Fontaine, Jean Michel Viallet, Salaison du Charvin, Jérôme Rey,...

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